Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Lock students in... to their Read 180 software

Lock students in... to their Read 180 software
February 1, 2016
Did you start to question where this blog was going? Glad I got you to check it out!

iPads are great! Students can use them to work on their software program while at their desk or in a comfy chair. But far too often than not, students get sucked in to the calling of the home button. It calls out to them with promises of social media, youtube, and games. We can hardly blame them for giving in to the dark side and pressing it, can we?

I am happy to say I never have to question if my student who is sitting so quietly during their software rotation is in fact on task or just trying to not draw attention to themselves so as to not get caught off task.

How do I do it? Casper Focus! This may require a tech person in you building depending on the permissions and privlidges given to you by the powers at work (you know the ones...).
Download this app on your device and all of the classroom iPads and (most) of your dreams will come true!

When you log in to this app on your device, you can "focus" the students' iPads into a specific app of your choice (as long as the iPads have the app downloaded). They will be locked in! They can press that home button until they are blue in the face! They will NOT be able to leave the Read 180 app until you chose to unlock-- erm-- remove focus.

There you have it. You know KNOW what the students are doing; exactly what they should be doing. 

If you are not fortunate enough to have a fantastic tech team like I do in my building and you are on your own for this one, try this PDF to help you get this installed nice and easy.


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