Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Read 180: Book Crate System in 10 steps

Read 180: Book Crate System in 10 steps
February 2, 2016
Over 600 books to be neatly organized. Ok, I can do that.

Over 600 books to be neatly organized everyday after fundamental students have rummaged through them? Yikes!

This was becomeing a nighmare in my room and eating up valuable class time for students (and me). I tried alphebetizing my books, and even putting stickers on the books and poster, but my book crates were still a mess at the end of every day and students were spending far too much time searching for books rather than reading them.

New semester = New game plan! Here is what I came up with and just after 3 weeks of classes, it seems to be (mostly) working.

1) Place all the the books on the floor (yes ALL of them).

2 ) Sort them by level on the Read 180 poster (4 piles and audiobooks)

3) Place them back into the crates based on their level. Some will spill over that is ok

4) Select a color for each level (I chose Yellow, Red/Pink, Green, and Blue)

5) Put that colored sticker up the top of the poster next to each level.

6) Now place that colored sticker on the crate below each of the books for that level. Make sure you can write on these stickers! You can see my 1-11 in the picture below.

7) Number each sticker 1-15 (my set has 15 books per level)

8) Now comes the hardest part (and it isn't even that hard). Find where the book you numbered #1 is on the poster. Place a coorespoding color sticker next to the book title and write #1 on it. Even if the book isn't the first in its level.

9) Follow for each section including the Audio Books

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