Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Read 180: Getting SRC Quiz numbers up!

After a PLC meeting last month where I JUST found out that students should be passing about 10 SRC quizzes by the end of the year, I knew I had to come up with a plan! After pulling the Student report, I found that most of my students were way behind. Some had never passed an SRC Quiz to date and some had never even attempted-- and it is second semester, y'all!

I created a sticker chart for passed SRC Quizzes. Believe it or not, ladies and gentlemen, high school kids go gaga for stickers! 

I grabbed some paper from the large paper rolls downstairs and created a graph. Student names at the bottom, and number of books up the left side of the chart. I added dotted lines across the chart at checkpoints. These checkpoints are the school grade check dates for intervention--perfect time to pull kids in and get them caught up. You could easily make your own deadlines if your school doesn't have this in place.

I broke the time left down into obtainable goals and dealines for meeting those goals.

After each kid passes an SRC quiz, I ask that the student SHOW me their screen with the "Pass" screen. This prevents any issue of students telling me that the computer didn't count their passing score. I don't even give them the opportunity to argue about this. I also don't let them choose their stickers (Kids would be flipping through and deciding on a sticker for a good 20 minutes if you let this happen. Just hand them a sticker and move on!).

When I see their passing screen, I will give them a sticker from my $0.97 sticker book I grabbed at Wal-mart in the craft section. (I have a "boy" and a "girl" sticker book as I find the boys don't typically get too excited for butterflies, but to each his own). 

After implimenting this chart, you can see that some students REALLY took off! We still have a few that need to get moving. But before the chart the most I had passed was 3 quizzes and the (mode) average was 0! 

What I will try next year:
Take time to make this instead of making it 10 minutes before class when the idea comes to me. Taking pride in how the chart looks shows my students that they too should take pride in their work and I don't accept lazy work.

Up the ante! The minimum goal may be 10 but really, honestly, that is a bit low. Now that I have this chart, kids are zipping up the chart! I think I will make it 10 or even 15 books per semester! 

Only give kids BIG stickers for milestones or checkpoints.

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