Tuesday, February 16, 2016

You CAN have a tidy classroom. No YOU don't have to do it!

Leaving on time at the end of the day. Doesn't that sound great? But it is so hard to leave when you classroom isn't put back together at the end of the day. Sometimes we give in and think we will just take care of it in the morning, but coming in the next day and seeing the mess doesn't get us starting our new day on a very positive note.

What if I told you, you can have your cake and eat it too? Well, you can!

I always tell my kids they cannot leave until the room is put back as they found it. But things are often not done to my standards or kids think they can be silly and try to find loop holes or take things too far. This ate up more time than it was worth. 

I am a visual learner--turns out most of my students are too.
1) take the time to put your room back together up to you standards--Last time, promise!

2) Snap some pictures of the areas your students have the most trouble. Here are the spaces my students struggle:

Book Crates
 Binder Crates
 iPad Station
 Desktop computers
 3) Upload your pictures to your computer and place them into a word document 

4) Add some text. Mine say "Look Like Me" 

5) Print in color and get those things laminated!

6) Post them at the areas your students struggle. You should introduce this new proceedure like any other in your class. 

7) Practice makes progress! After just a few times you will see your students will get things done and up to your standard without any argument.

8) Leave on time and enjoy your life outside of your classroom.

Here is an example of what one of my "Look Like Me" posters like. Hope this helps. Teach on, teacher friend!

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